How To Write Literature Review ;Automate Your Literature Review with AI: Top Tools for Academic Success

how to write literature review

“Automate Your Literature Review with AI: Top Tools for Academic Success”


Literature reviews are the backbone of academia, and whether you’re an undergraduate student or a seasoned researcher, conducting one is often an essential part of the academic journey. Fortunately, modern technology has made the process more accessible and efficient than ever before. In this article, we’ll explore the top three AI-powered tools that can help you automate your literature review, saving you time and effort. Let’s dive into these cutting-edge solutions that can supercharge your academic research.

  1. Yzio: Your AI Writing Assistant

Yzio is a relatively new app that combines powerful AI capabilities with the art of scientific writing. It’s designed to simplify the literature review process from start to finish.

Getting Started with Yzio:

  • After logging in, create a new project.
  • Define your research topic, such as “Transparent Electrode Materials for Systematic Review in Academia.”
  • Yzio generates a starting sentence for your review.

AI Suggestions:

  • Yzio offers AI-generated suggestions to enhance your content.
  • Correct grammar, translate text, and find references seamlessly.
  • Easily build the foundation of your literature review with AI-generated content.
  1. Jenny AI: Your Research Paper Companion

Jenny AI takes automation to the next level, providing a streamlined approach to writing literature reviews and research papers. It offers a user-friendly interface and AI-driven assistance at every step.

Creating a Literature Review with Jenny AI:

  • Start a new document and input your research topic, e.g., “Transparent Electrode Materials in Modern Technology.”
  • Jenny AI generates content, including introduction and key points.
  • It continuously suggests text, reducing the need for manual writing.

Citations Made Easy:

  • Jenny AI helps you find relevant citations for your literature review.
  • Choose from various reference styles, such as IEEE, to suit your preferences.
  • Quickly create citations and references with just a few clicks.

Chat Feature:

  • Utilize the chat feature to instruct Jenny AI, creating section headings and more.
  • Watch as Jenny AI instantly generates content based on your instructions.
  1. OpenRead: A Promising Literature Review Tool

OpenRead is a relatively new but promising tool for automating your literature review. While it may still be evolving, it offers valuable features for efficient research.

Exploring Papers with OpenRead:

  • Search for papers related to your topic, e.g., “Homogenously Bright Flexible and Foldable Lighting Devices with Functionalized Graphene.”
  • Browse abstracts, figures, and key information at a glance.
  • Easily extract information for inclusion in your literature review.

Engaging with Papers:

  • Use the “Paper Espresso” feature to quickly grab essential information from papers.
  • Customize and integrate this information into your review.


The landscape of literature review automation is evolving rapidly, and these AI-powered tools are transforming the way researchers and students conduct their academic work. Yzio, Jenny AI, and OpenRead offer distinct advantages, from generating content to simplifying citation and reference management.

While Yzio and Jenny AI currently lead the pack with their user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive AI assistance, OpenRead shows promise as a quick way to extract relevant information from research papers.

As you embark on your next literature review, consider integrating these tools into your workflow. Embracing AI technology can make your academic journey smoother and more productive. Remember to explore these tools and choose the one that best aligns with your needs. Happy researching!

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